LifeVac Heimasett

19.990 kr.

Inniheldur LifeVac, leiðbeiningar, maski fyrir ungabarn, maski fyrir barn, maski fyrir fullorðna (miðstærð), maski fyrir fullorðna (stór).

QR kóði beinir þér á myndband með notkunarleiðbeiningum á ensku.

Ef þú þarft að nota LifeVac í raunverulegum aðstæðum, hafðu þá samband við okkur og við látum þig fá nýtt LifeVac þér að kostnaðarlausu.

LifeVac er skilgreint sem Class-1 lækningavara í Evrópu og Bandaríkjunum.
Varan er MHRA, FDA-viðurkennd og CE-merkt.

SKU: LV01 Category: Tag:



Where do I apply the LifeVac device?

You apply the top of the LifeVac mask on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows, and the bottom of the mask between the bottom lip and chin.

How to use LifeVac when BLS choking protocol has failed on a casualty who is laying down, sitting, and standing.

Examine: what type of choking? Assess the severity.
Push and twist the mask into the base of your LifeVac device.
Using your less dominant hand, hold the mask firmly in place on the appropriate application area, making sure their head is tilted back still.
Use your dominant hand on the LifeVac handle, depress and pull.
(It doesn’t matter how hard you depress because you are only pushing the air out of the bellows through the vent and the valve. It’s the quick pull after that counts.)

When first aid and all other methods fail in a choking emergency LifeVac saves lives.

Watch our YouTube video for a visual demonstration.

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